
Every Moment, every hour
He feels so sad, He feels so sour,
A lil angry, a lil depressed
He feels sumthing ranging through his chest.

All alone, he thinks he is
Goin through the times they spent,
Reading thru the notes they sent.

He closes his eyes at the end of the day...
Tired, Frustrated on his bed he lays,
His eyes so numb... His heart pounding 
A whisper he hears, So sweet sounding.

He knows its you, but you says its not..

His eyes are closed and... he sees a face,
The eyes are yours, the lips are your
Those strands on her eyes, she puts away. 

She dances, She moves... her body sways
She spreads her arms ... As shes calling him,
He rushes to her..... as alone he hates to be.

He feels alive when he dreams at night
He feels wanted when he closes his eyes.

You say its not you.. He doesn't believe
He knows His love is not so weak,
A day will cum wen He'll stop to dream  
N reality will be better than it seems.

He Feels alive wen... He Dreams at night
He feels wanted when... He closes his eyes.......


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